Are you continually running out of storage space in your home? How do things accumulate so quickly?
At times, you may wonder if aliens have secretly invaded and filled up your closets and drawers while you were sleeping, because suddenly your favorite socks are missing and all you find are silver jumpsuits and a note saying, "Thanks for the hospitality, Earthling!"
What steps can you take to manage your belongings and stop clutter from building up?
Here are some organizing tips that you can implement to set limits on the places in your home that are busting at the seams.
At the end of each season, notice what clothes and shoes you haven't worn and consider donating them.
Insert drawer organizers and sort kitchenware by type. This makes it easier to see duplicate items that are taking up valuable space. Dividers also keep your drawers organized and prevent them from overflowing.
Reduce excess and redundant items to free up space. the following are common items that tend to accumulate the most: coffee cups, reusable water bottles, plastic containers, spatulas and other cooking utensils (limit yourself to 2-3 of each type), cutting boards, kitchen towels, table linens, napkins and paper supplies, unused or seldom used special appliances (i.e. pasta makers, panini makers, ice cream machines) and chipped dishes. Consider letting go of heirloom dishes that you have kept for "some day" or choose one or two pieces to display to honor the person or memory.
Hall Closet
Take inventory of the coats you actually wear. Scarves and gloves accumulate multiply quickly. Keep the ones you enjoy wearing and donate the rest.
Toiletries, cosmetics and medicines can easily get out of control. Check expiration dates and toss items you have but never use. Throw out or donate any unused travel-size soaps you have saved. You won't need them at home and most hotels will provide these on your next trip.
Keep towels to a minimum. Set aside two or three sets of towels for each bathroom. Donate stained or frayed towels to an animal shelter.
Limit each bedroom to two sets of sheets. Take note of how many blankets and pillows you actually use and purge the rest.
Books, Magazines, Puzzles & Toys
Consider reducing your book collection unless you have plenty of bookshelves to accommodate them. Preserve significant magazine articles by organizing them in a binder or scanning them to an electronic device. Donate puzzles you've completed and toys that the kids have outgrown or are gathering dust.
Many donation centers will gladly accept your household goods. Check out the donation resources page on my website to find a donation center near you.
Your home is your sanctuary. It is the place that you define and it in turn defines who you are, what you love and what matters most to you. Honor it and protect it.
Happy Organizing!